Foods To Avoid Feeding Your Dog

Dogs are very good at making humans want to share their food. Dog's eyes have a way of making a lot of us feel guilty when we eat in front of them. However, the Animal Poison Control Center states there are foods to avoid feeding your dog. These foods and beverages can make your dog seriously sick and may even require medical attention if ingested. 


The Avocado is typically a problem for horses, donkeys, rabbits, goats, sheep, and birds. This fruit can cause cardiovascular damage and is fatal for birds and rabbits. Donkeys, sheep, goats, and horses will suffer edematous, swollen necks and heads. 


The seeds, peels, stems, and fruit from citrus plants have different amounts of citric acid and essential oils that irritate your dog and possibly even depress their central nervous system if too much is ingested. Small amounts of the fruit are not likely to cause problems, but could still cause your dog to suffer a minor stomach upset.  

Raisins and Grapes

Raisins and grapes can cause kidney failure in dogs. The toxic substance in these foods has not yet been identified but experts suggest to avoid feeding either raisins or grapes to your pet. 

Dairy Products Including Milk

Dogs do not have a significant amount of the enzyme in their system to break down lactose in milk or other dairy-based foods. These products can cause digestive upset or diarrhea. 

Chives, Garlic, and Onions

Chives, garlic, and onions can cause gastrointestinal irritation in your dog, which could lead to anemia and red blood cell damage. These products are more dangerous for cats, however, dogs are also at risk if large amounts are consumed. 

Bones, Eggs, Undercooked or Raw Meats

Salmonella and E coli can be present in undercooked or raw meats which is harmful to both dogs and humans. There is an enzyme called avidin in raw eggs that can decrease the absorption of Vitamin B and lead to coat and skin problems in dogs. Raw bones are often thought of by pet owners as a healthy and natural option for their dogs. Bones, however, can be dangerous to domestic pets who can choke on them and sustain serious injury if the bone splinters or becomes lodged in their digestive tract.

If your pet suffers from skin or coat issues either from digesting the wrong foods or other health issues, contact the experts at Vetrimax to learn about clinically tested products that provide maximum benefits to a dog's coat and skin health. 


Food products containing alcohol or alcoholic beverages can cause central nervous system depression, vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased coordination. Alcohol can also cause tremors, breathing difficulties, abnormal blood acidity, and even death. Dogs, or any other pet, should never be given alcohol. 

Coffee, Chocolate, or other Caffeine Products

Products with caffeine contain a substance called methylxanthines found in the cacao seeds that are used to make coffee and the nuts used in certain sodas. If a dog digests methylxanthine, it can cause them to vomit and experience diarrhea, excessive urination and thirst, abnormal heart rhythm, hyperactivity seizures, tremors, and even death. Dark chocolate products are even more dangerous than milk chocolates. 

Coconuts and Coconut Oil

In small amounts, coconut or coconut oil will not cause serious harm to your dog. The milk and flesh of a fresh coconut have oils that can cause your dog's stomach to become upset along with diarrhea and loose stools. Because of the high potassium levels in coconut, it is suggested that you not feed these products to your pet. 


Walnuts, pecans, almonds, and other nuts have a high amount of fats and oils. These fats and oils can cause diarrhea and vomiting and in some cases pancreatitis in dogs. 

The next time those irresistible brown eyes beg you to share your food, consider these risk factors before sharing with your dog. If your pet suffers serious reactions to foods they have digested, contact Animal Poison Control or your vet right away.

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